Be part of our Mastermind New York City

October 5-6, 2024
Convene, 101 Park Ave, New York City


Medical Doctors




Dedicated to Physicians

Shaping Longevity Medicine

The Longevity Docs Mastermind is a physician-only event focused on precision and evidence-based longevity medicine. This is where the medical leaders of today shape the future of longevity.

World-class Speakers

Meet the physicians pionners and leaders in longevity medicine

Jessica Shepherd, MD
Role at C
‍Previously: Company 1, Company 2

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Darshan Shah, MD
Role at Company
Previously: Company 1, Company 2

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Elizabeth Yurth, MD
Role at Company
Previously: Company 1, Company 2

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Neil Paulvin, DO
Role at Company
Previously: Company 1, Company 2

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Amy Killen, MD
Role at Company
Previously: Company 1, Company 2

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David Barzilai, MD, PhD
Role at Company
Previously: Company 1, Company 2

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Tamsin Lewis
Role at Company
Previously: Company 1, Company 2

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Frank Lipman, MD
Role at Company
Previously: Company 1, Company 2

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Poonam Desai, DO
Role at Company
Previously: Company 1, Company 2

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Full Name
Role at Company
Previously: Company 1, Company 2

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Giovanni Campanile, MD
Role at Company
Previously: Company 1, Company 2

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Abid Hussain, MD
Role at Company
Previously: Company 1, Company 2

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Alan Katz, MD
Role at Company
Previously: Company 1, Company 2

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Steven Murphy, MD
Role at Company
Previously: Company 1, Company 2

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Sajad Zalzala, MD
Role at Company
Previously: Company 1, Company 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.



Starting at
After early-bird tickets are sold out
Coming soon


Dr. Frank Lipman
Eleven Eleven - Hearty

Pioneer in the field of functional and longevity medicine. Chief Medical Officer of Hearty. Founder of Eleven Eleven Author of three New York Times bestselling books.

Dr. Elena Ivanina
Gut Love

Quadruple board-certified integrative gastroenterologist. Former Director of Neurogastroenterology & Motility at Lenox Hill Hospital. Founder of Gut Love

Dr. Florence Comite
Comite Center, GROG

Clinician-scientist and innovator in the field of precision medicine. Board-certified endocrinologist from Yale School of Medicine, NIH trained. Founder GROQ

Dr. Anant Vinjamoori
Modern Age

Pioneer in the field of functional and longevity medicine. Chief Medical Officer of Hearty. Founder of Eleven Eleven Author of three New York Times bestselling books.

Dr. Jessica Shepherd
Sanctum Med + Wellness

Board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist, former Chief Medical Officer for Verywell Health. Founder and CEO of Sanctum Med + Wellness, a wellness concierge practice,

Dr. Poonam Desai
Longevity Lounge

Dr. Poonam Desai is an osteopathic physician who is double board certified in Lifestyle Medicine and Emergency Medicine. Founder of Longevity Lounge

Dr. Robin Rose
Terrain Health

Double Board Certified in Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine. Specializing in chronic conditions like autoimmune disease and Long COVID.

Dr. Jan Krumsiek, PhD
Weill Cornell Medicine

Associate Professor at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York. His laboratory primarily focuses on metabolomics and multi-omics datasets in the context of cancer, drug discovery, and Alzheimer's disease.

Dr. Tamsin Lewis
Wellgivity - RoseBar Longevity

Member of The Royal College of Psychiatrists and founding trustee of the British Society for Lifestyle Medicine.  Medical director of RoseBar Longevity with The Six Senses.

Dr. Sajad Zalzala

Co-Founder and Medical Director of AgelessRx - the first online clinic dedicated to help humans live longer and healthier. He has extensive experience in working with startup companies in the telemedicine/telehealth field and has a passion for holistic medicine and longevity.

Nikolina Lauc 

Co-founder and CEO of GlycanAge, a leading startup in the health-tech and longevity space who's technology was developed over 20 years of research utilizing the largest proprietary dataset of human glycome.

Dr. Alan Katz
Hyperbaric Medical Solutions

Expert and educator in Hyperbaric Medicine. National Medical Director for Hyperbaric Medical Solutions. Leadership position at the UHMS. Clinical interest in hyperbaric, regenerative, and metabolic medicine.

Dr. Leonard Pastrana

Doctor of Pharmacy and co-founder of nuBioAge pioneer in the field of cellular medicine and longevity optimization. Fellow and faculty member at Seeds Scientific Research and Performance (SSRP).

Ryan Smith
Tru Diagnostic

Founder of TruDiagnostic, a CLIA certified lab and health data company with the largest private epigenetic database in the world with over 70,000 patients. Ryan has published over 30 academic papers and been awarded 10+ patents.

Pr. Zahi Fayad, PhD
Mount Sinai BMEII

Professor of Radiology and Cardiology, Vice chair for Research, Department of Radiology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Founding Director of the Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Institute.

Dr. Amy killen
Docere Clinics, Humanaut

Leading anti-aging and regenerative physician, specializing in stem cell treatments, bio-identical hormone replacement, and sexual and skin health. Co-founder of Docere Clinics, Hop Box.

Dr. David Barzilai

Board-certified physician and Diplomat of the American Board of Lifestyle Medicine focusing on healthy lifestyle practices. CEO of focusing on data-driven individualized healthy longevity for his clientele.

Dr. Giovanni Campanile

Harvard-trained cardiologist. Quintuple board-certified, former President George H.W. Bush cardiologist. As a pioneer in integrative cardiology, he founded Palm Health.

Dr. Elizabeth Yurth
Boulder Longevity Institute

Board-certified physician in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and Anti-Aging/Regenerative Medicine with 30 years of clinical experience. Founder of the Boulder Longevity Institute.

Dr. Steven Murphy
Concierge Medical Associates

Board-certified internal medicine and obesity specialist. At the helm of Concierge Medical Associates, he specializes in longevity medicine, leveraging advanced genetic and molecular technology, and regenerative medicine.

Dr. James Min
Cleerly Health

Board-certified cardiologist with a clinical focus on cardiovascular disease prevention and imaging. Founder & CEO of Cleerly, a digital healthcare company creating a new standard of precision heart care.

Dr. Neil Paulvin

Dr. Paulvin is an innovative physician in the study of functional medicine, integrative sports medicine, regenerative medicine, osteopathic manipulation and craniosacral therapy.

Dr. Jonathann Kuo

Double Board-Certified Pain Management Specialist and Anesthesiologist. Leader across the interventional pain management and orthobiologics fields.

Dr. Roxanna Namavar 
Pretty Healthy NYC

Board-Certified psychiatrist and fellow in the American Academy of Anti-Aging, specialized in functional and integrative medicine. She is a Brennan Healing Science practitioner, NADA certified in auricular acupuncture and trained in hypnosis.

Pr. Louis DePalo
Health Center at Hudson Yards

Professor of Pulmonary, Critical Care Medicine, and Infectious Diseases at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Chairman of the System Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee. Executive Committee, AAS Mount Sinai Hospital

Dr. James Peyer
Cambrian Bio

Founder and CEO of Cambrian Bio, a Distributed Drug Development Company, developing therapeutics targeting the biological drivers of aging. Dr Peyer did his PhD with a focus on blood stem cell biology.

Dr. Mohammad Enayat

Leader in the field of functional medicine and the founder of HUM2N, the UK’s next-gen health club and leading longevity clinic, based in South Kensington.

Dr. Jeffrey Rouse

Board-certified in adult psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, and brain injury medicine and has also trained in heart rate variability biofeedback and quantum biology. Chief Medical Officer of Shitwave.

Join the  Fastest Growing Network in Longevity Medicine

Uniting 150+ physicians in 35 countries

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Registration, Breakfast, and Networking
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Welcome address: Introducing the Longevity Docs Network
  • Host: Dr. Jessica Shepherd
  • Chair: Pr. Zahi Fayad
  • Founder: Dr. David Luu
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Crafting a Comprehensive Longevity Assessment: From Epigenetics and Microbiome Analysis to Functional Tests and Digital Biomarkers
  • Moderated by Dr. Poonam Desai
  • Dr. Elizabeth Yurth
  • Dr. Florence Comite
  • Dr. Elena Ivanina
  • Ryan Smith
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Preventing Age-Related Conditions: Advances in Cardiac, Brain, Sexual, Hormonal, and Immunological Health Management
  • Moderated by Jessica Shepherd
  • Dr. Amy Killen
  • Dr. Giovanni Campanile
  • Dr. Robin Forman Rose
  • Dr. Roxanna Namavar
  • Nikolina Lauc
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Challenges and Insights in Building a Longevity-Focused Practice: Comparing Brick-and-Mortar Versus Virtual Models
  • Moderated by Dr. David Luu
  • Dr. Sajad Zalzala
  • Dr. Tamsin Lewis
  • Dr. Anant Vinjamoori
  • Dr. Mohammed Enayat
  • Dr. Alan Katz
12:30 PM - 1:30 AM
Lunch Roundtables: Discovering the Latest Innovations
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Decoding the Longevity Shift - Celebrity Phenomenon or Societal Movement?
  • Moderated by Dr. David Luu
  • Dr. Frank Lipman
  • Special Guest
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Democratizing Advanced Longevity Practices and Technology Through Academic and Research Collaboration
  • Moderated by Pr. Zahi Fayad, PhD
  • Dr. James Min
  • Dr. Louis DePalo
  • Dr. Jan Krumsiek, PhD
  • Dr. James Peyer, PhD
  • Dr. Jeffrey Rouse
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Networking Break
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Promising Longevity Therapies: Navigating the Crossroads of Regulatory Boundaries and Scientific Breakthroughs
  • Moderated by Dr. Elizabeth Yurth
  • Dr. David Barzilai
  • Dr. Neil Paulvin
  • Dr. Jonathann Kuo
  • Dr. Steven Murphy
  • Dr. Leonard Pastrana, Pharm. D
5:00 PM - 5:15 PM
Final Reflections on Democratizing Longevity Medicine: Pathways to Inclusive Progress
5:10 PM - 6:00 PM
Closing Networking Mixer


Immersive experience

  • dlaczego Salumanus?
  • benefity i zobowiązania
  • skuteczne prowadzenie projektów
Sean O'Mara, MD
  • Myosteatosis diagnosis and intervention
Przerwa Kawowa
Uniwersalny moduł optyczny w połączeniu z SRD 5.0 i Salucloud
  • idea Uniwersalnego Modułu Optycznego
  • SRD 5.0 - Smart Recode Device
  • usługi SaluCloud jako centrum zarządzania modułami optycznymi
  • korzyści płynące ze stosowania
Jak generować i realizować projekty na systemy transmisyjne?

Dlaczego warto rozmawiać o systemach transmisyjnych?

  • dla kogo są systemy transmisyjne?
  • korzyści dla klienta końcowego oraz integratora
  • transmisja optyczna w cyferkach - ile kosztują usługi na rynku
  • jak działa Salumanus - podejście projektowe
  • gdzie znajdują się systemy transmisyjne - „5 MUST HAVE” dla sektorów

Technologia IP-over-DWDM jako trend zmieniający sieci optyczne

  • rozwiązania IPoDWDM i OTN
  • oszczędności sięgające 70%! Policzmy to razem
  • jedno włókno czy dwa włókna optyczne?
  • pasywne systemy zwielokrotnienia - rozwiązania szyte na miarę
  • wszystko co potrzebujesz mieści się w 1U - muxponder 200G
  • komfort płynący z posiadania systemu (OTN)
  • kaskadowa budowa systemu - rozbudowa systemu jak klocki LEGO
Przerwa Kawowa
12:15- 14:00
Warsztaty technologiczne
  • GBC Photonics IPoDWDM - warstwa IP bezpośrednio do technologii DWDM:

- wielokanałowy system transmisji DWDM

- rozwiązanie cost effective pod każdym kątem

  • PacketLight OTN - pełne możliwości muxponder Optical Transport Network:

- agregacja usług Ethernet i Fibre Channel na warstwie pierwszej wielokanałowy system transmisji DWDM

- zabezpieczenia transmisji na warstwie pierwszej (Encryption L1)

- system uniwersalny i skalowalny, w pełni zarządzany z poziomu WebGUI i z możliwością szyfrowania usług

Kahoot z nagrodami