The Community for Longevity Doctors

Longevity Docs is a highly-vetted private community dedicated to physicians pioneering precision and evidence-based practices in longevity medicine.

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Democratizing Longevity Medicine

You're busy physician. But you know something for certain.You want to be part of the longevity revolution. But learning, growing, and networking are not simple.

Discover Why We Exist ->

Membership Benefits

Membership is open to physicians owing longevity-focused medical practice or businesses.


Weekly longevity insights and monthly in-depth research digests.


Join experts, discuss trends, and network via WhatsApp and regular meetups.


Expert presentations and Q&A sessions on the latest science and clinical research


Access to a range of resources
Watch recordings of monthly meetups


The Longevity Docs Mastermind is a unique event tailored for physicians in the longevity field.

75 Longevity

Ronald Primas, MD

So very happy to have been invited to and partner with such an illustrious group of esteemed colleagues and friends.  This is an incredible group of seasoned and forward thinking professionals who are game changers in the field of longevity medicine. They are practitioners, researchers and teachers. It is so great to collaborate and also to learn from everyone. This is a great group of true pioneers in the same vein as Pasteur, Semmelweis and Curie.Thank you so much David Luu for putting this all together!

Elizabeth Yurth, MD

Well...Dr David Luu has truly accomplished the impossible! Dr. Luu spent inordinate amounts of time and energy to hand select a group of some of the busiest and best physicians internationally in the world of longevity medicine and turned them into this amazing active cohort that interacts daily to share cases, stories, ideas, information, and research. What a breath of fresh air to see doctors supporting and collaborating to reach a common goal and change the world of medicine! You have created something incredible!

Frank Lipman, MD

Longevity Doctors is an exclusive gathering of top-tier physicians, all dedicated to advancing the frontiers of longevity research and practice. The network's unwavering commitment to scientific excellence has expanded my horizons and enhanced my career.

Amy Killen, MD

Getting to interact with and learn from the Longevity Docs group is one of my favorite parts of the day. This group of doctors is like no other - generously sharing techniques, protocols and knowledge and always there to answer difficult questions. Five stars!

Anant Vinjamoori, MD

The Longevity Docs group is an outstanding way to get introduced to the field of longevity medicine. The biggest asset is the medical expertise that underpins the group- nearly every respected and knowledgeable longevity physician belongs and actively contributes to the group. The content the group provides based on this is invaluable for anyone looking to get started in the field.

Anant Vinjamoori, MD

The Longevity Docs group is an outstanding way to get introduced to the field of longevity medicine. The biggest asset is the medical expertise that underpins the group- nearly every respected and knowledgeable longevity physician belongs and actively contributes to the group. The content the group provides based on this is invaluable for anyone looking to get started in the field.

Join the community of longevity-focused physicians

Candidate requirements:
Open exclusively to Medical Doctors operating a
healthcare practice or spearheading a business dedicated to longevity.

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